Package-level declarations


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data class BrazeNetworkFailureEvent(brazeRequest: IBrazeRequest, httpConnectorResult: IHttpConnector.HttpConnectorResult)

A transparent and strictly informational look into the network stack used by the SDK. Since the SDK uses its own request retry strategies, it is not advised to retry a given request after an failure here unless advised by Braze support.

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data class BrazePushEvent(val eventType: BrazePushEventType, val notificationPayload: BrazeNotificationPayload)
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data class BrazeSdkAuthenticationErrorEvent(sdkAuthError: SdkAuthError)
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class ContentCardsUpdatedEvent(contentCards: List<Card>, val userId: String?, val timestampSeconds: Long, val isFromOfflineStorage: Boolean)
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class FeatureFlagsUpdatedEvent(val featureFlags: List<FeatureFlag>)
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When Braze receives a new message feed in a server response, this event is fired.
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fun interface IEventSubscriber<T>
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An IEventSubscriber subscriber where updates are guaranteed to fire only once and afterwards this subscriber will be removed, similarly to calling com.braze.IBraze.removeSingleSubscription directly after being invoked.

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data class InAppMessageEvent(val triggerEvent: ITriggerEvent, val triggerAction: ITriggeredAction, val inAppMessage: IInAppMessage, val userId: String?)

When Braze receives a new in-app message in a server response, this event is fired. The message itself is provided along with the id of the user that the message is for (or null if no user id was set).

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fun interface IValueCallback<T>
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data class NoMatchingTriggerEvent(val sourceEventType: String)

Fired when no In-App Message was triggered by an event.

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Event fired when SDK data has been wiped and external caches of messages (such as Content Cards, In-App Messages, etc.) should be cleared.

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data class SessionStateChangedEvent(val sessionId: String, val eventType: SessionStateChangedEvent.ChangeType)
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A convenience class to extend when you only want to listen for a subset of all the value callback methods. This implements all methods in IValueCallback but does nothing for all applicable methods.