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object Companion


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open override fun describeContents(): Int
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Gets a cached instance of a BaseContentCardView for view creation/binding for a given CardType. If the CardType is not found in the cache, then a view binding implementation for that CardType is created and added to the cache.

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open override fun getItemViewType(context: Context, cards: List<Card>, adapterPosition: Int): Int

Returns the view type of the item at the given position for the purposes of view recycling purposes.

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open override fun onBindViewHolder(context: Context, cards: List<Card>, viewHolder: ContentCardViewHolder, adapterPosition: Int)

Called to display the data at the specified adapter position. This method should update the contents of the ContentCardViewHolder.itemView to reflect the item at the given adapter position.

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open override fun onCreateViewHolder(context: Context, cards: List<Card>, viewGroup: ViewGroup, viewType: Int): ContentCardViewHolder

Creates an ContentCardViewHolder of the given type to represent an item in the ContentCards. You can create a new View manually or inflate it from an XML layout file.

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open override fun writeToParcel(dest: Parcel, flags: Int)